Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Hello, fellow programmers! This is Draeden hacking out this
info file. When I start working on my MOD player nearly a year ago,
I really wanted SOME piece of information on MODs. I could find NOTHING!
So The Kabal and I had to figure the format of a mod out ourselves.
Needless to say, my first try was a disaster. It worked, but not very
well. (Incidently, that code is available as 'MODPLAY.ZIP' on Phantasm, and
possibly on a local FTP site.) Since then, I've rewritten my MOD player
and now it actually plays The Finn's MODs correctly (made him happy.)
Anyway, this DOC is intended to help out all those people who want to write
a MOD player (and have the skills to actually do it.) There is quite a bit
of assembly required. (Har, har. A pun.)
So, far you've probably seen plenty of documentation on what
the format of a .MOD is and what each little thingy in the .MOD format
means. Well, I'm going to repeat that same info, BUT it's going to
be translated so that it's usable on the Sound Blaster AND I'm
going to explain how to get that little card to make some noise.
On the SoundBlaster there are two ways to playback digital
samples. The first is to directly write the sample data to the
card MANUALLY, via a method which I call polling. A timer
interrupt must be set up to go off FOR EACH BYTE PLAYED.
(Usually around 12,000 times a second.) This, of course, eats up
a lot of processor time and causes the program that's playing (ie. a
demo/game) to be VERY SLOW. The advantage to this method is that you
can do playback on a large variety of equipment (ie. PC speaker,
Adlib, DAC converters , Covox, or whatever...) See the included file
"POLLPLAY.ASM" for an example of how to do that type of playback.
If you have a LPT DAC, see "DACPLAY.ASM" I won't spend too long talking
about it- it's pretty strait forward and simple.
Here's a quick outline of what you have to do (for SB poll mode):
1) Set up your interrupt (int 8, the timer)
2) Reset the DSP, Turn on the speaker
3) Turn the Timer interrupt on and program it
4) ...Do your stuff... (sound is playing, now)
5) Turn off the speaker
6) Shut off the timer interrupt
6) Restore the old interrupt
Your interrupt must do this:
1) Get the next byte to be played
2) Play it
a) for the soundblaster send the command 10h, then the byte
3) Acknowledge the interrupt
And that's all there is to it! See POLLPLAY.ASM for specifics.
See DACPLAY.ASM for a more general setup.
The other (and much preferred) way is through the DMA. This
is the quickest way to do digital playback on the SoundBlaster.
The only drawback is that it is quite a bit more complicated
than the polling method. You have to set up the DSP then set up
the DMA, set up an interrupt, break down the playback buffer into
sections that don't cross the page boundary, etc... It's pretty
complicated, but well worth the effort. See the included
"DMAPLAY.ASM" for an example on how to do that. See "DMAPLAY2.ASM" for
the Sound Blaster PRO stereo version. Note that for stereo, every other
byte is on a different channel. Odd bytes are, say, on the left speaker,
while even bytes play on the right.
Here's what you must do for DMA playback:
1) Reset DSP, Turn on speaker, set time constant (256 - 1000000/HZ)
2) Break sample into two buffers, if necessary.
3) Program the DMAC (8237) for the DMA operation.
4) Program DSP for DMA transfer.
5) ...Up to you...
6) When DMA is finished (interrupt occurs) you can either play another
buffer (repeat steps 3 & 4) or do nothing but acknowledge the interrupt.
7) Restore old interrupt.
8) Turn off speaker.
Your interrupt must do this:
1) If you are to play no more, set a flag saying so and goto 3
2) Set up to play another buffer..
3) Acknowledge the interrupt
To play back a MOD, which is just one big sample (which your
program creates on the fly), you need to use a method which is
known as "DOUBLE BUFFERING." This should make sense. When you
create the "sample" or part of the MOD to be played, you use up
a few microseconds of processor time. In the DMA playback, an
interrupt occurs at the end of each block that is played. If you
were using one buffer, then you would have to update that buffer as
soon as it was finished. This would cause a noticeable click or
pause in the playback. Obviously, this is not exactly what one
desires. If you were using two buffers, the interrupt would, as
soon as the previous buffer is played, start playing the other
buffer. And then it can take it's sweet old time updating the
first buffer. This cycle would repeat indefinatly, or until the
MOD is stopped. A simple concept, but not all that simple to do.
Anyway, so you have your two buffers. You can play the two
buffers continuously. So now all that's left is to actually
create the sample to play. Before I explain how you would go
about this, we need to review some physics of sound. First thing
you must know is that when two sounds are played at the same time
they add together. So if you were to play two samples at the
same time you would simply add the individual bytes together and
that would be the sample that you play. For instance, lets
suppose that we wanted to mix the following two "samples"
Sample1: 0 0 23 45 67 78 77 55 44 33 22 11 0
Sample2: 10 88 4 91 4 3 17 21 23 10 12 40 80
RESULT: 10 88 27 136 71 81 94 76 67 43 34 51 80
You would then play the RESULT sample and it would sound
like the two samples were played at the same time. See
"MIXPLAY.ASM" which takes two samples and mixes them and then
plays the result via POLLING. Unfortunately, digital sound is
limited. The sound blaster is only 8 bit. What would happen if you
mixed two samples that had the values 128+130 = 258 (= 3 in 8 bits)?
That result would cause a crackle in the sound and would generally
make the playback sound like crap. Again, that is not desirable.
Suppose now that you mixed FOUR samples together (ie four traks of a MOD.)
The maximum value that each sample could have is 64 (64*4=256),
because you cannot allow the possibility of it exceeding the 8 bit
range. (In SAM format, this would translate to a +-32 range for each
sample.) Conveniently, 64 is the maximum volume for each sample in a MOD.
Even so, don't forget that the range of the sample data is -128 to 127.
Volume in sound, is simply the magnitude of the sound wave.
The bigger the range, the more air is displaced, the louder it can
get. (Or something like that...) Since the maximum volume of a sample
is 64, you can derive this formula for mixing the samples together:
result = (S1*V1 + S2*V2 + S3*V3 + S4*V4)/256
The /256 is because we want the result to have a range of +-128
and each individual sample has a max of +-128 and the volume multiplied
and added for 4 traks give a maximum value of 4*64*(+-128) = 256*(+-128)...
I think you can figure that one out on your own. This is VERY
convenient in assembler, because all you have to do for each
byte in the sample is this:
mov al,[es:di] ;es:di points to sample data
imul [Volume] ;volume * sample data
add [ds:si],ah ;add the upper 8 bits
;ds:si point to the RESULT buffer
Pretty simple, eh? That's all there is to the mixing part.
Now you might wonder how to get the different frequencies.
This, again, is pretty simple. To lower the frequency you would
do just that- lower the frequency (stretch it out). This is done
by increasing the "sample source" pointer by a value less than one.
For instance, if you were to step through this "sample" with a
step of 1/2, you would get the following result:
Sample: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
RESULT: 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 ...etc...
This stretches out the sample, therefore lowering the
frequency. Similarly, to raise the frequency, you would use a
step that is greater than one. In example, using the same sample
above, but with a step of 2, you'd get:
RESULT: 1 3 5 7 9
To effectively do this stepping stuff, you need "floating
point" numbers. The easiest way to do floating point numbers
with integers is using what I call the integer part and the
"precision." For instance, the value of 1 and 1/2 would have as
the integer value a "1" and (10000h / 2) for the precision. This
is very convenient on the 386, because you can take advantage of
the 32 bit numbers. For instance, to increase the pointer DI by
an amount stored in EBP (Low BP=precision HIGH= integer) you'd
simply do this:
ROR EDI,16 ;restore to a proper 32 bit number
ADD EDI,EBP ;add the step
ROR EDI,16 ;put the low high and the high low..
In this example, DI is a pointer like usual, but in the
upper 16 bits, the precision is held. EBP is just a normal 32 bit
number with "1"=10000h. You may at first think,"why not just
store EBP backwards, like EDI." But clearly this would not work,
because when the precision overflows, the Integer part would not
be increased. You would have a pointer that would never move or
increase by an integer amount (if EBP > 0FFFFh)
-More examples of integers representing floating pt numbers-
High Low
0.125= 2000h
0.25 = 4000h
0.5 = 8000h
1.0 = 1 0000h
1.5 = 1 8000h
2.0 = 2 0000h
^ ^
| Precision part
Integer part
1.5 + 0.25 = 1.75
18000h + 4000h = 1c000h
1.5 * 2.0 = 3.0
18000h * 20000h = 300000000h/10000h = 30000h
(Don't forget to divide by '1' after multiplying)
4.0 / 3.0 = 1.333...
40000h*10000h / 30000h = 15555h
(Don't forget to multiply by '1' before division)
Now, the tough part. How do you find the step value? Well,
the step is based on two things-
1) the note being played and
2) the sampling rate
How you go about calculating the step is like this: you
take a value proportional to the sampling rate and divide it by
the NOTE frequency. There is probably some really simple
mathematical equation for figuring out precisely what the value
should be, BUT I haven't spent time to figure it out. All you
know is that it is linearly proportional to the sampling rate, so
you just have to play with different count values until you get
one that sounds right, and then you can figure out a relationship
from there. Here are some values for the count that have worked
for me:
COUNTTBL DD 1C78000H ;8000 HZ
DD 16C8000H ;10000 HZ
DD 12FC000H ;12000 HZ
DD 1045B00H ;14000 HZ
DD 0E3D000H ;16000 HZ
DD 0CA8000H ;18000 HZ
DD 0A5AE00H ;22000 HZ
Just in case you are wondering how the step calculation would look in
MACRO @FigureStep ;in: ebp = Note out: ebp = step
push edx
mov eax,[Count]
xor edx,edx
div ebp
mov ebp,eax
pop edx
ENDM @FigureStep
That information in itself is nearly enough for you to write
your own MOD player. Now I'll talk about how to read and process
the notes. First off, a brief reminder about how each note is set up:
(This is all in hex for convenience. My convenience.)
BYTE# 1 2 3 4
│0 0│00│0 0│00│
│H │ │L │ │
■ SH and SL are the high and low parts of the Sample number.
Currently, in the MOD format, only the lowest bit of the High
sample is used. 5 bits = 31 possible samples (0= NULL sample, so
the real range is 1-31).
■ NOTE is the 12 bit note frequency. If you hit a freq = 0,
DON'T RECORD THAT FREQUENCY. (Nobody likes to divide by zero...)
■ C is the special command.
■ X & Y are the arguments for the command.
The special commands are recorded even if they are all 0's
Suppose now that [fs:si] pointed to the current note, you'd grab
everything like this:
mov ah,[fs:si]
and ah,4
mov al,[fs:si + 1]
mov [Frequency],ax ;get the frequency
mov al,[fs:si]
shr al,4
and al,1 ;we only want one bit
mov ah,[fs:si + 2]
shr ah,4
or ah,al ;combine low & high
mov [Sample],ah ;store the sample number
mov al,[fs:si + 2]
and al,00001111b ;grab the command
mov [Command],al
mov ah,[fs:si + 3]
mov [CommandXY],ah
mov al,ah
and al,00001111b ;isolate the Y part
shr ah,4 ;isolate the X part
mov [CommandX],ah
mov [CommandY],al
I stored the command arguments both separately and together
because some commands need to access them as a whole, some want
them separate. This was pseudo code. While it WOULD work, this
is NOT the way to do it. The best way is to have 4 records that
have all the fields you need for each trak in them. For example,
here's most of the record that I used in my newer MOD player:
Enabled db 0 ;0= trak is not valid: other= play it
Delayed db 0 ;0= not delayed, 1= sample is delayed
SpecialOn db 0 ;0= no special, other yes
sSeg dw ? ;sample segment
sOff dw ? ;sample offset
sLoopS dw ? ; sample loop start
sLoopLen dw ? ;lenght of loop
sEnd dw ? ;ending offset of sample
sFreq dd ? ;sample frequency (step)
sTFreq dw ? ;temporary step value
sVolume db ? ;volume
sInst db ? ;the inst currently playing
Note dw ? ;the frequency, not the step value
LastNote dw ? ;the last real note played..
cmd db ? ;command (0-15)
cmdX db ? ;upper 4 bits of the XY
cmdY db ? ;lower 4 bits..
cmdXY db ? ;all 8 put together (XY)
FineTune db ? ;amount shifted up or down..
Start dw ? ;offset of beginning of sample (for retrigger)
ArpeggStep db ? ;either 0,1, or 2
WantedNote dw ? ;used to slide to a specific note
VibratoCmd db ? ;speed & Depth for Vibrato
VibratoPos db ? ;position in wave chart
VibNote dw ? ;base note for vib
TremoloCmd db ? ;speed & depth for Tremolo
TremoloPos db ? ;position in wave chart
TremVol db ? ;base volume
... ;feel free to add more stuff as you need 'it!
TheTraks Trak 4 dup (<>) ;declare variables for the traks
The easiest way to process the commands would be to use a
"jump table." A jump table is simply a list of offsets to various
places in your program. It is a much faster than doing:
cmp [Cmd],0 ;is it arpeggiation?
je DoArpeg
cmp [Cmd],1 ;is it freq slide?
je SlideFup
... ;etc.
A jump table would look like this:
InitTable dw offset InitArpeg, offset InitSlideUp, offset InitSlideDn
dw offset ... etc.. for all 16 commands..
You would use the jump table like this:
PROC InitCommands
movzx si,[cs:Cmd]
add si,si ;multiply by 2 (for word sized data)
jmp [word cs:si + InitTable]
ENDP InitCommands
Of course, all of your little subroutines would have to, at
the end of them, return to the label ReturnFromInit by jumping
to that location. If you are wondering why I Put INIT infront of
all the labels, then you are in luck because I am going to tell
you. Most of the Commands require some code to initialize them,
and then some of them require to be updated with each "tick" of
the timer. So you'd also have to do a jump chart for Update commands.
Also note that you'll need two more jump charts for the Extended
commands... A total of four jump charts.
Song Speed: the timer "ticks" 50 times a second. The song
speed is simply the number of ticks before a new note is
processed. The commands need to be updated with every tick. The
actual timing of the song can be achieved by the size of the
buffer. For convenience, I chose the buffer size to be equal to
the duration of one note. For example, suppose I had a sampling
rate of 22,000 hz. That means that 22,000 bytes are played every
second. So, to find the number of bytes in 1/50 of a second,
you just divide the HZ by 50. This gives you the number of bytes
in a tick. The buffer size would then be equal to:
BufferSize = BytesPerTick * Songspeed.
= 22000/50 * 6 (default speed is 6)
= 2640
Very simple. But you have to allow the buffer to
grow bigger (say a max of 31 ticks) this would mean that the
MaxBufferSIze would be (if your max sampling rate was 22000):
22000/50 * 31( or 1Fh) = 13640 bytes
This, of course means that 27280 bytes (=2*13640, 2 buffers)
need to be set aside in memory (dynamically allocated, right?)
for the playback buffers.
More on song speed: speed values 20h-FFh are what's known
as BPM speeds (Beats Per Minute.) Very annoying, but they are
incredibly easy to implement (not as easy as a simple speed change,
though). What you'll end up doing is resizing the playback buffer,
which may mean that the BufferSize != BytesPerTick * SongSpeed.
The new songspeed will be equal to: 750/BPM. The 750 came from
there being 50 ticks per second * 60 seconds per minute = 3000 ticks/min.
Each 'note' is regarded as a quarter note, so 3000/4= 750. So, in summary:
SongSpeed = 750/BPM ;will give you the integer speed approx
Buffersize= 750 * BytesPerTick / BPM
NOTE: The Buffersize MAY be bigger than BytesPerTick*SongSpeed, so you must
use the size of the buffer to indicate the end of the note, NOT a count
of how many ticks were done.
Some BPM's of some songspeeds:
SPEED BPM The BPM is calculated by BPM = 750 / Speed
4 187
5 150
6 125
7 107
8 93
9 83
10 75
11 68
Ok, here's the actual .MOD format...
POS = Position in file (in hex)
LEN = Length in bytes (in hex)
Description = The jello to mass ratio of a frog (in hex)
0000 0014 Mod name. Should be a ASCIIZ string, but you never know.
0014 03A2 Sample data (see the below structure "SampleStruc")
03B6 0001 Number of Valid sequences.
03B7 0001 Says if the mod is to be restarted. Ignore it. Not reliable.
03B8 0080 The sequences. All 128 of 'em.
0438 0004 The initials "M.K." You could, if you really wanted to,
verify that the file is a MOD by looking at this signature.
043C 0400 The patterns. Each is 1024 bytes long, but you have to figure
out how many there are by finding the MAXIMUM of all the
pattern #'s in the sequence list. Then you add 1. (0 is a
valid pattern.)
???? ???? Immediately after the last pattern, the samples begin.
You have to read them in in order. The size is in the
------- -------
Here's the structure you'd use for each sample:
STRUC SampleStruc
Name db 22 dup (?)
Length dw ?
FineTune db ?
Volume db ?
LoopStart dw ?
LoopLength dw ?
ENDS SampleStruc
NOTE: The Lenght, LoopStart, LoopLength are, by IBM standards, screwed up.
They are stored in the AMIGA format (BIG surprise...) which means
that instead of the LOW byte being first in memory, the HIGH byte is
first. You need to switch them. Those values are also a measure of
how many WORDS long the sample is. (Multiply by 2 to get # of bytes.)
The fine tune is only a signed NIBBLE! You fix it into a signed byte
by doing this:
SHL [Sample.Finetune], 4
SAR [Sample.Finetune], 4
The AMIGA Guru's say that finetuning is done by multiplying the frequency
(the note) by X^(-finetune) where X = 1.0072382087. I say, shaw, right!
Like I'm going to do that! I say do this:
note= note - note*2*finetune/256 ;this is pretty accurate
OR, if you are REALLY lazy, do this:
note= note - 6*finetune ;this ONLY works for the lower tones
; but who cares!? It's close enough to
; fool most people...
This finetune adjustment must be made each time a note is changed.
VOLUME: This value SHOULD be between 0 and 64. Make sure it is.
So, the easiest way to load in the header is to create a header and
load in the first 043Ch bytes right into it. Then you can do your stuff!
SongName db 20 dup (0)
Samples SampleSTRUC 31 dup(<>)
NumSequence db 0
Restart db 0
Sequences db 128 dup (0)
TheMKSig db "M.K." ;the "M.K." signature
The patterns are just 64 "events". Each "event" is made up of four
notes. These four notes are made up of 4 bytes. 64*4*4=1024 bytes total.
Format of a NOTE: This appeared a ways back, but heck, do you want to look
ALL the way up there again?
BYTE# 1 2 3 4
│0 0│00│0 0│00│
│H │ │L │ │
■ SH and SL are the high and low parts of the Sample number.
Currently, in the MOD format, only the lowest bit of the High
sample is used. 5 bits = 31 possible samples (0= NULL sample, so
the real range is 1-31).
■ NOTE is the 12 bit note frequency. If you hit a freq = 0,
DON'T RECORD THAT FREQUENCY. (Nobody likes to divide by zero...)
■ C is the special command.
■ X & Y are the arguments for the command.
You'd index the correct "event" (I don't know what it's called..)
by doing something like this:
mov si,[CurPattern]
shl si,10 ;multiply by 1024
mov ax,[CurNote]
shl ax,4 ;multiply by 16
add si,ax ;si points to the correct set of notes.
Here's the list of protracker commands... As you might guess by the credits
below, I did not write this...
Protracker V2.3A/3.01 Effect Commands
0 - Normal play or Arpeggio 0xy : x-first halfnote add, y-second
1 - Slide Up 1xx : upspeed
2 - Slide Down 2xx : downspeed
3 - Tone Portamento 3xx : up/down speed
4 - Vibrato 4xy : x-speed, y-depth
5 - Tone Portamento + Volume Slide 5xy : x-upspeed, y-downspeed
6 - Vibrato + Volume Slide 6xy : x-upspeed, y-downspeed
7 - Tremolo 7xy : x-speed, y-depth
9 - Set SampleOffset 9xx : offset (23h -> 2300h)
A - VolumeSlide Axy : x-upspeed, y-downspeed
B - Position Jump Bxx : songposition
C - Set Volume Cxx : volume, 00-40
D - Pattern Break Dxx : break position in next patt
E - E-Commands Exy : see below...
F - Set Speed Fxx : speed (00-1F) / tempo (20-FF)
E0- Set Filter E0x : 0-filter on, 1-filter off
E1- FineSlide Up E1x : value
E2- FineSlide Down E2x : value
E3- Glissando Control E3x : 0-off, 1-on (use with tonep.)
E4- Set Vibrato Waveform E4x : 0-sine, 1-ramp down, 2-square
E5- Set Loop E5x : set loop point
E6- Jump to Loop E6x : jump to loop, play x times
E7- Set Tremolo Waveform E7x : 0-sine, 1-ramp down. 2-square
E9- Retrig Note E9x : retrig from note + x vblanks
EA- Fine VolumeSlide Up EAx : add x to volume
EB- Fine VolumeSlide Down EBx : subtract x from volume
EC- NoteCut ECx : cut from note + x vblanks
ED- NoteDelay EDx : delay note x vblanks
EE- PatternDelay EEx : delay pattern x notes
EF- Invert Loop EFx : speed
Peter "CRAYON" Hanning /Mushroom Studios/Noxious
Now into the implementation of all those little commands...
You just step between 3 notes: note, note + x, note + y
Don't forget to recalculate the step value after changing the note.
For up, the value XY is subtracted from the NOTE on each tick.
Down, you add.. Keep the values within the range 83-832.
The note that is currently in the NOTE field is what you are sliding to.
You must keep a backup of the last note so that you know where you are
sliding from. Add or subtract XY on each tick so that you move closer
to the note.
- If the NOTE field = 0, you are supposed to continue sliding to the
last note specified
- I think that if the XY field = 0, that you are just supposed to
continue whatever slide was last active at the last speed specified.
For this, you need a chart of a sine wave, square wave, and something
called "ramp down." The maximum value in this chart should be 255, the
minimum -255. One half period in the sine wave should be 32 entries.
That would mean you have a total of 64 entries, half negative, half not.
On each tick you increase the index into the chart by X (the speed).
You grab the value there and multiply Y (the depth) by that value and
divide by 256. You then add that value to the BaseNote and recalculate
the Step.
Note that you must, upon initializing, grab all the info you need,
(note & XY) because this continues until a new note is put in. It also
has to work with volume slides.
- If the XY field = 0, you are supposed to continue whatever vibrato
was last active. I'm also pretty sure that you are not supposed to
reset the index every time a vibrato is called.
For the INIT, you just call the InitVolume subroutine (this is the only
on that needs it's own subroutine, other than glissando.)
To update, you call the UpdateVolume subroutine and then jump to the
Slide to NOTE routine.
Same as above.
Same as Vibrato, but instead of changing the NOTE, you change the volume.
You can use the same charts.
Upon initializing, you want to see if its an up slide or a down slide and
then extend that nibble out to a signed byte (ie. 04 => -4, 40 => 4.)
On each tick, you add that value to the volume. Be sure to keep the
volume within the range 0-64.
Remember that you are jumping to a sequence and not a pattern. Otherwise
this is darn simple.
Gee, I don't know...
Set the current note to 64, so that on the next update, it wraps around
to the next sequence.
You must calculate both the SONGSPEED and the BUFFERSIZE.
If the XY <= 1Fh then that's easy, you just use that value as the song
speed and use BUFFERSIZE = SongSpeed * BytesPerTick.
For BPM, do it the way I suggested a couple pages ago...
Yeah, right. As if the SB had a filter!
FineSlide Up/Down:
Add/subtract the x value to/from the NOTE. Recalculate the step.
This is done ONCE upon initialization. No update routine is needed.
This is really a luxury. You don't have to implement it.
But, if you want to, you do it like this...
1) Create a chart of all the possible WHOLE notes (exclude sharps, flats,
2) Slide the NOTE up or down like normal, but if Glissando is on, you
have to look up your adjusted note in the chart and round to the
nearest one. I suggest that you don't save this rounded off note,
but just use it to calculate the step.
Set Vibrato Waveform:
Currently, there are 3 possibilities, sine, ramp down, and square wave.
You might want to implement this by making the Vibrato reference the
chart indirectly. That way you just load in the offset to the chart
into the VibratoChart variable. And that's it.
mov si,[VibIndex] ;grab the index
add si,si ;multiply by 2 (word sized data)
mov bx,[VibratoChart] ;get the offset to the current chart
mov ax,[si+bx] ;grab the value
Set Loop:
You just have to store the current position in the pattern.
Jump to Loop and play:
This is one that you'll just have to figure out yourself...
It's probably the toughest one to implement... :)
The second part of Set Loop.
Set Tremolo Waveform:
Same as for Vibrato.
Retrigger Note:
When the current Tick = x then reload the start offset into the current
source pointer. That means that you must keep track of what current
tick you are on.
Fine Vol slide up:
Add this value to the volume on initialization. No update.
Fine Vol slide down:
Subtract this value from the volume on initialization. No update.
At tick x, terminate the sample. (set ending offset = 0 or something)
Set the delay flag on init. Your mixer routine should have an extra
loop that will wait until the delay flag is off (and call UpdatePro)
Turn off the flag when Tick = x
Just another one of those thing. Put the delay flag in front of your
"grab the note" routine. Don't grab any notes until the delay is zero.
PROC ReadAllTheNotes NEAR
cmp [PatternDelay],0
je ReadTheNotes
dec [PatternDelay]
Invert Loop:
To be honest, I haven't a clue. I've never seen a MOD that uses it.
OK, for those who still aren't exactly sure how to do this update thing,
I've included the routine that I use to actually mix the data. The buffer
was already cleared to 128's. Note that this routine is called 4 times,
once for each trak. The segments were pushed in the main routine.
;IN: BX = (Trak to update) * (size TRAK)
PROC UpdateTrak ;called to update the traks
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov ax,[BufferSeg]
mov es,ax
mov ax,[BytesPerTick]
inc ax
mov [BPTCounter],ax
mov ax,[SongSpeed]
mov [TickCounter],ax
mov [CurTick],0
mov si,[CurOff] ;es:si is pointer to buffer
mov cx,[CurBuffSize] ;TmpCurBuffSize is the length
inc cx
mov [TmpCurBuffSize],cx
mov fs,[bx + TheTraks.sseg] ;fs:di is pointer to Sample data
xor edi,edi
mov di,[bx + TheTraks.soff]
mov cx,[bx + TheTraks.send] ;cx is ending offset of sample
mov ebp,[bx+ TheTraks.sfreq] ;step for note
mov dl,[bx + TheTraks.svol] ;dl is volume
cmp [bx + TheTraks.sdelayed],0
je @@TheLoop ;check if we are delaying this trak...
mov ax,[BPTCounter]
add si,ax
sub [TmpCurBuffSize],ax
jbe @@EndOfUpdate
call ProTrackerUpdate
inc [CurTick]
jmp @@DelayedLoop
mov al,[fs:di]
imul dl
add [es:si],ah ;do one byte of the sample
ror edi,16 ;increase the pointer
add edi,ebp
rol edi,16
cmp di,cx
ja @@HandleEndOfSample
inc si
dec [TmpCurBuffSize]
je @@EndOfUpdate
dec [BPTCounter]
jne @@TheLoop
call ProTrackerUpdate
mov ax,[BytesPerTick]
inc ax
mov [BPTCounter],ax
inc [CurTick]
jmp @@TheLoop
mov [bx + TheTraks.soff],di
mov [bx + TheTraks.send],cx ;cx is ending offset of sample
mov [bx +TheTraks.sfreq],ebp ;step for note
mov [bx + TheTraks.svol],dl ;dl is volume
cmp [bx + TheTraks.slooplen],0
jne @@DoARepeat
mov [bx + TheTraks.sEnabled],0 ;disable the track
jmp @@EndOfUpdate
mov di,[bx + TheTraks.sloops] ;start of loop
add di,[bx + TheTraks.Start]
mov cx,[bx + TheTraks.slooplen]
add cx,di ;set up ending address
jmp @@BackFromEOS
ENDP UpdateTrak
Ok, all that's really left is the writing of a load subroutine and of
the routine that reads and processes the notes. And, of course, you need to
implement all of those cute little ProTracker routines. And, well, you need
to fix up the DMA driver... Geeze, there sure is a lot to a MOD player,
isn't there? Probably why not everyone has written one. :)
Well, that's about all... This info is enough to get ANY competent
programmer started making a MOD player... I hope you enjoyed this little
info file.
■ Draeden - VLA - Main Coder
You are free to use all code in the associated files ( DMAPLAY.ASM,
the condition that you greet VLA in your future releases. A kind word
about how you appreciate files like this wouldn't hurt either. :)
See VLA.NFO for information on contacting us.